Monday, April 11, 2011

YA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers-Fiction

Perfect Chemistry. (2008) Elkeles, Simone.  4Q, 4P, S. (Fast Read)
Simone Elkeles has written a modern version of Romeo and Juliet combined with that old saying, "You can never judge a book by its cover."

Brittney and Alex couldn't be any more different if they tried. Brittney is popular with the perfect boyfriend, excellent grades that will get her into the college of her dreams, and  an only child with all of the advantages that an upper class life provides in suburban Chicago.  Alex, or Alejandro, is the oldest brother and head of his family, who joins the neighborhood gang to protect his family while still trying to stay true to himself and what he wants out of life.  Brittney and Alex are from opposite sides of the tracks and believe without ever talking to each other, that they have nothing in common until they are brought together by their Chemistry teacher to complete a project.  When they begin the project they  have many prejudices and obstacles that seem too powerful to overcome to even be friends, or so they think.

40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents:  Internal Assets:  Commitment to Learning and sub-headings, Positive Values and sub-headings.

Jumping Off Swings. (2009) Knowles, Jo.

Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles tells the story of four teens, Ellie, Caleb, Corinne and Josh as they each experience the same event but in different ways. The story alternates from voice to voice as Ellie longs for the simple days of jumping off swings in the local park with her best friend Corinne. Instead she is faced with stares and ridicule from classmates and her parents. Corinne stands by her friend but feels the pull of her first experience of love with Josh, but hides her feelings from Ellie to save her from any more emotional pain. Josh and Caleb are friends and have been since kindergarten, but find that they are being pulled apart by changing views about relationships.

Maybe there will be another time for Ellie and Corinne to spend at the park cheerfully Jumping Off Swings until then everything is up in the air.

40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents:   External Assets of Boundaries and Expectations, adult role models and positive peer influence.

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